Many people who struggle with food addiction, binge eating, or emotional eating also have money problems – overspending, impulse buying or you may have had a bad divorce that left you with financial problems. My special guest, Tasha Chen is with me on this podcast to discuss why money can be a problem for so many people and how you can attract more financial abundance into your life.

In this podcast, you will learn:

1. About the 13 money traumas and how they may be holding you back
2. Why how you manage your money can be a window into your other life challenges.
3. The difference between being deserving and being worthy and how that affects your ability to attract money into your life.


GUEST : Tasha Chen

Tasha Chen is an expert in taking businesses from struggling and on-the-verge-of-giving-up to opening their can of dreams of again, having fun, and making money!

Her wildly impactful manifestation and mindset trainings and coaching have helped entrepreneurs around the globe generate an additional $47.5 million in revenue in their businesses in the past 6 years.

She has a knack for seeing the big picture for others and also helps them see their own power. Her inspirational talks cover the magic of manifesting, mindset and developing personal superpowers, sales from the heart, and calling in abundance.


I will be joining Tasha to talk about how money issues relate to food and body image issues on her 5-Day Money Attraction Challenge. To sign up for the 5-Day Money Attraction Challenge with Tasha Chen:


Hi everyone. It’s Dr. Carolyn here, and I’m bringing you episode number 93, and we’re going to be talking about something that’s near and dear to my heart and that is our relationship with money. So I have a special guest whose name is Tasha Chen, and Tasha is a money attraction and financial abundance expert who has helped countless entrepreneurs, collectively track close to $40 million into their businesses. So she’s my special guest, and I know you’re going to love hearing what she has to say. So stay tuned.

Dr. Carolyn: Hey, everybody, welcome to the show. And today I have a special guest, Tasha Chen, and we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite subjects, which is money. But we’re going to be talking about it from a little bit different perspective than what I’ve covered before. So let me just tell you a little bit about Tasha. She is an expert in taking businesses from struggling and on the verge of giving up to opening their can of dreams of again, having fun and making money. That sounds like something I need for wildly impactful manifestation and mindset trainings and coaching have helped entrepreneurs around the globe generate an additional $47.5 million in revenue in their businesses. In the past six years, she has a knack for seeing the big picture for others, and also helps them see their own power. Her inspirational talks cover the magic of manifesting, mindset, and developing personal superpowers sales from the heart and calling in a bust abundance. Welcome to the show Tasha.

Tasha: Thank you.

Dr. Carolyn: Yeah. So you and I off screen have talked about the influence of trauma on money, and we’re going to be talking more about that in your symposium coming up at the end of the month. So don’t let me forget to let everybody know how to access that. But one of the things that really intrigued me about wanting to have you on the show is the distinction you make between being deserving or being worthy. And how does that influence our ability to make money or attract money or any of those things?

Tasha: You know, I grew up and I’d be the first to raise my hand to say, oh, I have worthiness issues. You know, I have a worthiness fool. And then I think many of us will self-identify with the idea of worthiness, um, problems or concerns, or just feeling like we’re not hitting it, you know, but when it comes to deserving this, everyone will say, oh yeah, I deserve..

Dr. Carolyn: I deserve to be a millionaire.

Tasha: Absolutely. I deserve to be a millionaire. And as I shared with you, for me, my recognition of the distinction was very intriguing. I teach people how to create money in abundance, and I’ve shown people how to do that to the tune of a lot of money. But I observed this very, you know, I’m kind of like a scientist and I observed that everybody gets the information, some run with it and they get the results really quickly and others don’t and everybody ends up in Rome. If you know what I mean, all roads lead to Rome. It’s just some get there before the others. And I was really intrigued about why, what, what was it that was getting some, get it and hang on and run with it so quickly manifest a lot of money and others not. So I’m observing my, my people and trying to get it and not. And then this interesting thing happened in my personal life. I’ve been in a three year relationship and I be the first to tell you, I am, I deserve the most amazing man on the planet because I’m an amazing woman. So I deserve that. And then I found myself running away from this guy, like fleeing for my life.

Dr. Carolyn: Wow.

Tasha: Fear of like to the tune of running away to another country overnight. Yeah. So I finally land and I’m like taking a breath, feeling safe for a moment. I go out for a walk and I just stand there and you know, like probably anybody else would do. I was like, God, what is the deal? How was this, how am I having to run away from a man? I was this my life, you know? And in my own way, I heard the voice of God say Tasha, “because you don’t believe you deserve more than this.” And in that moment, I mean, to be quite honest, I wanted to debate it with God. Like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I know I might not be, might not be worthy of it because I know I have worthiness issues, but I deserve it for sure. I deserve it. But you know, I had the common sense to not do that and really just sit back and go well deserve. And God’s saying to me, you don’t believe you deserve much more than this. And it wasn’t answer not only for me with relationships, but also to the quest. I had been on about why some of my clients were getting it and running and some weren’t some didn’t believe they deserved it

Dr. Carolyn: Well for the listeners though. What’s the distinction?

Tasha: Yeah. So I wanna, I want to paint like a neutral picture to take us into understanding, right? So when you say you’re worthy of something. By definition to say, I am worth this, or that means you are determinant of value for yourself that someone else needs to agree with. Right? So worthiness, inherently includes external validation. Deservingness just is it’s your birthright. There’s no proving. There’s no needs to validate externally. You decide what you deserve. You show up in life with that deservingness of it. And life rewards you with what you believe you deserve.

Dr. Carolyn: Yeah. And you know, I’ve seen this issue come up in my clients as well in particular patients who’ve had trauma in their background. So if they’ve had a history of trauma, often they have an unconscious core belief that’s running their lives, which is, I’m not worthy. I’m not good enough. I’m unlovable, you know, all of those kinds of things and that, and you know, they often say to me, well, where does that come from? Like how did that, you know, I feel like I deserve, I feel like I’m deserving, but what I’m doing is not proving that, you know, it’s not. So I think the trauma, you know, especially if it happens in childhood, it kind of instills this secret message that you’re running. It’s like a tape that you’re running in the background and even notice it. It’s just, you know, that little bit of noise in the background, but it, it has a powerful effect on your ability to really achieve your potential.

Tasha: Absolutely.

Dr. Carolyn: And I’ve seen that in my own life too, you know, when I’ve maybe been up for a big job that somehow it just doesn’t work out, you know?

Tasha: Yeah.

Dr. Carolyn: I feel like I’m doing everything I be doing, but you know, it’s, it doesn’t work out. And there’s just that sense, a little bit of a sense of anxiety that comes up when a new opportunity comes, because it’s like, well, wait a minute. Is this going to end up like the other one? Am I sabotaging myself? What’s going on here?

Tasha: Yeah. Yeah. One of my favorite quotes, uh, from Oprah is “you get what you believe, not what you wish for.” And I’m, for me that really hits home with you, get what you believe you deserve. And the trick with deservingness is that we don’t know, we don’t deserve it. We actually think we believe we deserve it. Right. So it’s, it’s, I mean, talk about a real need to look at that. Yeah.

Dr. Carolyn: Yeah. So when, when you work with clients who want to create more money in their businesses or in their lives, um, you said that some of them run with it and they get to Rome sooner and others years later, hopefully we’ll eventually get to Rome. So, but how do you work with them to identify and change this feeling of not deserving?

Tasha: Well, one of the things that you and I connected on, um, and I’ll just affectionately call you Dr. Carolyn. One of the things that we connected on is the trauma piece and identifying that if you’ve had a traumatic experience with money, which just a lot of people just don’t naturally think of. Yeah. You know, we’ve, we’ve, I would say 99% because trauma is any experience that leaves you feeling less than good. Right.

Dr. Carolyn: I love Gabor Monte’s definition. That trauma is a loss, but an essential part of ourselves, this sense of safety, security, trust, vitality, et cetera. And that’s exactly what you’re saying.

Tasha: Absolutely, So with money, I think, I mean, I don’t see how you can get to adulthood without having had some traumatic experience around money. And even those that have some of those clients and, you know, what, they still struggle with it. They struggle with, I have all this money, but do I really deserve it? Okay. Then so, yeah. So looking at the trauma and one of the things that I, you know, I have is a list of 13 money traumas.

Dr. Carolyn: Tell us about a few of those money traumas.

Tasha: So I’m to, I’m going to share three and I’m going to use probably the most common one. Um, and it’s, have you ever had an experience, and this is especially relevant during childhood where you had a handful memory associated with money. And for many of us in our age range, we grew up seeing our parents fight in front of us over money. Yeah. Right. And here we are with the people we love the most in the world, and they’re unhappy with each other and they’re being unkind and all that comes along with that. And we have a little thing in our brain that goes, oh, that money thing causes pain, you know? Yeah. No, thank you. No, thank you to that. Um, so that’s a very, very common one for many women in particular. This is another one I see. Especially those of us who are, um, in that loving need age. And we look back and we go, oh my gosh, I made a terrible mistake once in my life with money. And I’ve either never gotten over it, never forgiven myself, just felt like a complete, you know, um, just felt like I failed really with money. And that creates trauma.

Dr. Carolyn: You know, you’re, you’re bringing up a lot of personal experiences here. You know, I told you, I think I told you when we first talked that I discovered a scrapbook, that my grandmother had had any name, you know, I probably was in the office and I didn’t have anything to do. And she said, go make the scrapbook. And one of the pages was covered with money. And it said at the top money is the root of all evil. And I, so I was nine years old. That’s the message you already had. And then the other thing was growing up. Um, you know, I was the oldest of five and my dad worked like three jobs to support us. And I remember bill collectors calling the house, unload on you, even if you were, you know, a kid, even if you were a child, they’d start, you know, you need to tell him your father did dada… You’re going to come and pick up that if you don’t do this, that on and on. So a lot of fear, you know, around one, who’s experienced it.

Tasha: And the trauma, the trauma that gets created, and the dichotomy is you have this one on one hand, you have all of the desires that we inherently have as human beings for abundance and for easy life and for wonderful experiences, which require money. But then over here, you have the trauma going, don’t go near that pain, you know? Um, and, and just I’ll share another one. So people listening can get an idea and start to really think about this. Um, and this is very personal for me. I had this happen. This was definitely a wound for me because it showed up twice. So once was, as a child, my mom had me very young and had to go to work. So I didn’t seem that I didn’t live with my mom til I was 10 again. And it created this thing where as a child of, you know, I understood that she had to go to work. And I understood because I got told enough, you know, how hard I work, you know? So I understood that the working thing was about money to provide for me, but I didn’t have her love. And so I created this it’s love or money it’s love or money.

Dr. Carolyn: Okay. Yeah. So I have both in, in that scenario.

Tasha: Yeah. And you’re traumatized because you’re like, well, I’m always going to want to choose love. And so what does that mean for me with money? Yeah. And then for those of us, who’ve been through a divorce. I mean, heaven knows, right. The number one or the number two reasons why we get divorced is money. And here’s this person you promise to love forever. And now you’re fighting over money, you know, and they’re telling you how awful you are for wanting their money. So it’s like, gosh, there goes the love because of this money. Again, it’s just, and there’s so many ways that it shows up and it creates trauma.

Dr. Carolyn: So the work that you do is around, um, not changing mindset is what that does in your video. So, and, you know, in some ways that’s the same kind of work that I do because I’m working on changing the diet mentality and changing mindset about your body and your relationship with food. But is there, are you able to heal those trauma wounds?

Tasha: Absolutely. For me the process, and I’m sure like you with, with food, you know, I wish I could go here you go. It’s done. You know, I really do wish I could. It is a journey and we have a process. What I will say to simplify it is really, yes, it, it takes the doing, but it’s really simple as is most things in life. One is to become aware that you’ve had a traumatic experience, which is the conversation that we’re having and you go, okay, now I get it. No wonder it’s been so difficult. So you’re aware the light switches on, in the room. And then number two is to do as a work of healing and releasing. And for me, if I could simplify this, cause we take you through our journey. But for me, it’s like, okay, I’m aware. And I accept that I’ve had money trauma. And now I go on the journey of healing, forgiving, releasing, and almost giving myself the chance to have a clean slate. And the fact that we can have that at any age at any, any moment, the miracle of any moment we can create change means that somewhere along that journey, we get to let go of the trauma seed for what it is, let it go, heal it and start writing a new from a blank slate.

Dr. Carolyn: It sounds beautiful, but it, it, those traumas don’t just happen in childhood. Often they happen even as adults. Yeah. I can think for myself of getting a big job, but the massive increase in salary, according to, you know, my mindset. Wow. I’m really going to be making lots of money now and then losing the job like, you know, eight months later. And that was really traumatic. Probably what any of the others. So it’s not just in childhood, is it?

Tasha: No, it’s not. I mean, I, Hey, I’ll be back. I’ll be vulnerable and transparent with you in saying, I believe we’re now three months ago. You know, I don’t want to use the word lost. So I will just say I, um, I had, I created the space, created the space to receive more, but I was in a situation where overnight $150,000 was gone. Wow, that’s a lot of money for, I think anyone, but especially for me, you know, and it was here. I am doing this work, teaching others, leading the way, doing all of it and still found myself in this situation, which was a phenomenal learning opportunity for me. But you know, what happened after that? I found myself in the weeks and months following hoarding all my money because of that trauma, right? Like every little bit of cash I got, I wanted to keep it in the bank, earning zero interest, which is the least productive thing to do with money. But I was doing all of that. The hoarding from the trauma trauma I had just been through with having $150 or $150,000 vanish. So it happens.

Dr. Carolyn:  Sometimes we vastly between hoarding money and then spending, you know, the, if you’ve had trauma that maybe use are more common and find themselves having spending addictions, you know, late night on home shopping and Amazon. Yeah. And then all of a sudden the money’s gone because they overspent. Yeah.

Tasha: Yeah. And you’d probably notice, I mean, I would imagine it’s the same as food, right? Like, like you’re sharing about in the middle of the night, just reaching for something. Um, and the other thing is, you know, what’s interesting is because of trauma to thing, the very thing that you want so much you receive, and then you can’t, you just can’t stop yourself from having it, let it go, just go away because you know.

Dr. Carolyn: That trauma makes you feel deserving of it.

Tasha: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Carolyn: It’s a big problem. I think a really big problem in women. And I see that it’s a twin problem to the food and body image issue. And I think it has, it has the same origin, which is the trauma. So, wow. Really happy that you’ve come on to talk to us about this. Is there any last minute advice you’d like to give or an opportunity you want to offer people to tell us about working with you and so on?

Tasha: Yeah, I think, uh, um, just, uh, just one distinction and why, like, why would I want to look at this even further because to talk about trauma, it’s not like, oh yeah, sign me up. You know, I’m at the front of the line for this work, but why would you want to do it? And for me, there were two things when I didn’t understand that I was, um, trying to create more money in my life and battling the deservingness issues cause from the trauma, what that looked like was I was always trying to prove myself. Always trying to prove that I was worthy cause remember, worthiness means somebody outside of you says you deserve it. Right. It says you’re worthy of it. And they agree to validate your assumptions. Um, and I just, that’s just exhausting. It really is. When you understand, and you do the work to heal the trauma and you, you step into deserving it, I mean, it’s, it really is like you got invited to a whole another party and you’re like, whoa, this is how you live. You know? So for me, um, going into the experience of just not needing any validation outside of myself and actually knowing that it’s God and the universe that says, yeah, this is what you deserve. And here it is, to me, that brings peace. And I think for everyone, especially those of us who, who have had traumatic experiences, that feeling of peace and control..

Dr. Carolyn: Is worth everything.

Tasha: It’s worth everything, the money and everything else. But if there’s everything,

Dr. Carolyn: That’s what we talk about in terms of food and body image issues. It’s about making peace with food because those food obsessions and the behaviors create a lack of peace, you know, they disturb the peace. So it’s, it is very much the same. So we’ll give you, and how do they find out about your symposium?

Tasha: So we are doing a five day money attraction challenge, and Carolyn I’ll allow you to share your link for all of your, your listeners to go ahead and enroll. But during this five day money attraction challenge, I’ll share the other ads. I told Karen and I have 13 money traumas I only shared three. So I’ll share the other 10 on day three of the challenge. And you really want to listen in because it’s so intriguing to see some of the ones that you might not have yet identified that are playing out in your financial reality. So I’d love to have you all just come join us for the five day money attraction challenge.

Dr. Carolyn: That sounds actually sounds like it could be fun. Do people actually have breakthroughs during the five days?

Tasha: Oh my goodness. We’ve had people. It would be, it would be so many things to list. But one of my favorite stories was someone who said, I actually didn’t believe in myself and we give you play money all five days. So it’s really fun. You go from like $800 to spend on yourself and it’s play money. So you literally have to go show us how you spent it. So the last day we give you 8 million. Interesting, just to watch people go through $8 million. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do with it, you know, but that’s kind of, part of the problem is if we don’t experience ourselves with a lot of money, it’s not easy to manifest it. So yeah, we have a lot of fun and a lot of breakthroughs.

Dr. Carolyn: Thank you Tasha Chen for being with me today, it’s really been a pleasure. And I look forward to seeing you in the five day challenge.

Tasha: All right. Thank you for having me.

Thanks so much for listening everyone. And I hope you found that helpful. And I just want to reinforce what Tasha said that she’s going to be hosting a five day money attraction challenge starting Monday, August the 30th. So I have put a link for you to sign up for that five day money attraction challenge in the show notes, do not miss this challenge. This is important. I will also be with her on the challenge. Speaking about the relationship between money issues and food and body image issues. You know, one of my favorite topics now you don’t have anything to lose. And you know, this is important. Many of us have been struggling during the pandemic with our incomes and maybe medical bills or other things. So this is an opportunity, a very unique opportunity to try to attract more money and financial abundance into your life. So please go to the show notes, sign up using the link that’s in the notes for Tasha Chen’s five day money attraction challenge starting Monday, August the 30th. I look forward to seeing you there.