Numinous Enterprises offers a unique line of dietary supplements and herbal products to address the importance of nutrition as a primary factor in the problems and symptoms suffered by those with eating disorders.
Dr. Ross’s experience in using these products with her patients in a well-known inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center and in her private practice showed that many patients recovered more quickly when they were given nutritional support. Patients reported feeling more energetic, they slept better, had more mental clarity and less digestive complaints. Dr. Ross went further than just her anecdotal experience to do a research study documenting the efficacy of her unique protocol through the University of Arizona.
The results of this study showed that patients using Dr. Ross’s Basic Recovery Support™ protocol reported only 10% of their stay having problems with sleep compared with patients who had been admitted before this protocol was in use who experienced insomnia 58% of their days in treatment.
Complaints of digestive problems in those on the Basic Recovery Support protocol reported were 1/3 of those reported by patients who had not had access to the supplement protocol. Reports of digestive complaints were reduced from 15% of patients to less than 2%.
Basic Recovery Support helps those with eating disorders and substance use disorders (drug and alcohol) by:
- replacing missing vitamins and minerals
- supporting mood
- addressing the common problem of digestive issues with food intake
Basic Recovery Support helps those who are overweight or obese or who suffer with binge eating offer help by:
- replacing missing vitamins and minerals
- stabilizing blood sugar
- reducing cravings and supporting mood
“The supplements made it much easier for me to begin to eat again than in my last treatment. I don’t have all the stomach problems and I just feel clearer and less tired.”
–Quote from Patient about Basic Recovery Support:
“Dr. Carolyn Ross is a highly skilled physician, but better yet, she is a humane, compassionate human being who possesses a healing influence tied to her wisdom, intuition and authenticity as a woman. Her integrative approach to the treatment of eating disorders is innovative and effective and truly offers the possibility of healing of body, mind and spirit.”
Founder, The Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers
Asst. Professor of Psychiatry, University of Nevada Medical School