Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross is a board certified Addiction Medicine specialist and Suboxone prescribing doctor who specializes in opioid addiction treatment, the treatment of eating disorders including binge eating disorder, and drug addiction treatment. From her offices in Denver and San Diego, Dr. Ross uses both conventional therapies for addictions in addition to natural remedies including dietary supplements, nutritional therapies and amino acids.
Overcome opiate addiction, and alcoholism with the right medication and addiction therapy
Overcoming opioid addiction — which is a chemical dependence on prescription painkillers like oxycodone or narcotics like heroin — isn’t easy, but working with an addiction medicine physician can certainly help. Our drug addiction treatment process may include a combination of therapy and medication.
Did you know that you can use amino acids to treat reward deficiency syndrome?
“According to the National Institute of Health, the key to curing addiction could lie in the balancing of neurotransmitters in the brain.” The brain produces “feel good” chemicals called neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, among others, that all work together to give us feelings of reward, happiness, and satisfaction.
“The National Institute of Drug Addiction (NIDA) stated recently that addiction and binge eating are connected to the brain’s reward centers.” When “feel good” chemicals are blocked from the brain’s receptors, we feel pain, discomfort, and stress, and this can result in a condition called “Reward Deficiency Syndrome” (RDS).
“Those suffering from RDS are unable to produce an adequate feeling of well-being and consequently often self-medicate with substances (drugs, alcohol, food, etc.) that help raise the levels of “feel good” chemicals in their system–if only temporarily. It helps them feel good and function better with less stress, agitation and emotional pain.”
Why work with an Addiction Medicine Physician?
In addition to being an addiction medication specialist, Dr. Ross works with her clients with addiction therapy to uncover the underlying causes or contributing factors of their addiction to alcohol or opiates or food.
Denver Suboxone Doctor
San Diego Suboxone Doctor
If you are considering taking Suboxone, please call our office in Denver or San Diego to schedule a visit.
Here are some facts you need to know about Suboxone prescriptions:
You must be in withdrawal from opiates to start Suboxone (36-48 hours depending on what you are using now).
We do not dispense Suboxone or keep any in our office. Your office visit fee does not, therefore, include the cost of your prescription.
Suboxone is covered by many insurances but if you don’t have insurance you will pay cash. Until you know exactly what dose of Suboxone your body requires, you can’t know the cost you will expect to pay at the Pharmacy. Within the first 3 visits with me, you will be on your maintenance dose.
If you have more questions about Suboxone, please go to this website which has the most reliable info: Suboxone.com
Contact us for an appointment
If you would like to get on Suboxone, please call our office to schedule an appointment: 520-440-0079. If you are interested in learning more about our alcohol abuse treatment, click here.