You don’t know what you don’t know

You don’t know what you don’t know

Awareness is not enough.  Implicit bias makes it acceptable to discriminate against people for race but also for size, sexual orientation, age and abilities.  You may have a hard time identifying with bias based on skin color, but maybe you’re in one of the...
I overeat because I just love food!

I overeat because I just love food!

Have you ever heard someone say: “The reason I overeat, is because I just love food”? I hear this a lot from my patients with food and body image issues. But when you think about it – food doesn’t taste any better if you eat just enough versus...
Shall I tell you what I find most beautiful about you?

Shall I tell you what I find most beautiful about you?

The question above comes from the 1984 movie “Starman” and has stuck in my mind because the answer to that question is what exemplifies what makes Americans great. Protests about the death of George Floyd and the COVID-19 pandemic may be triggering your binge eating,...
Consistency Trumps Intensity

Consistency Trumps Intensity

Consistency trumps intensity and novelty.What does that mean? I hear over and over how my patients are able to stick with a new (novel) eating plan, exercise routine or (fill in the blank) for only a short time then they are off to something new (novel). Many tend to...
Stress Builds Character

Stress Builds Character

Research has shown that toxic stress – for example adverse childhood experiences (prolonged and extreme stress without compensatory support) changes the brain – increasing risk for addictions, eating disorders and other mental and physical health issues....