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The Partnership Between Intuition And Dreams with Dr. Marcia Emery

Dr. Marcia Emery’s Intuition Workbook: An Expert’s Guide to Unlocking the Wisdom of Your Subconscious Mind
Our special guest is Dr. Marcia Emery. She says she’s led a magical life from being a pioneer in the field of applied intuition, being a traditional psychologist, consultant and college professor to stepping out into the world of Parapsychology where she blends the study of intuition and dreams in her books and in the college classroom. She is the author of three books. One is called PowerHunch, the second is The Intuitive Healer and the last is Dr. Marcia Emery’s Intuitive Workbook. Dr. Emery received her doctorate in Social Psychology from the New School for Social Research. She also pioneered the first of its kind college course in Whole Brain Thinking. That’s targeting Master of Management candidates from international corporations, government and small business. Active in the field of dreams, she was one of the three experts on the three-hour miniseries Dream Decoders. As a former board member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, Dr. Emery hosts her own Voice America weekly internet show called The Partnership of Intuition and Dreams. Welcome to the show, Marcia.
Thank you, Carolyn. I’m very pleased to be here.
You have had a very interesting life. What made you get interested in this study of intuition and dreams?
Maybe it started because I had a dream. Not a dream of doing something but a nighttime dream. That was back in 1970. This is the dream. I put my foot on the brake and it goes right to the floor. My brakes aren’t working, the car rolls over three times and then crashes. I woke up. It was so vivid, I was perspiring, I didn’t know where I was, what was happening. Once my heart calmed down, I wrote the dream down and I said, “This is ridiculous. It’s a very punitive dream.” In half an hour, I forgot all about it. Surprisingly, that’s exactly what happened three weeks later. I’m driving to a dance rehearsal and I’m in the middle of traffic in Washington, DC. I put my foot down on the brake, it goes right to the floor. I go to pull up the emergency and that didn’t work either and I did something very uncharacteristic for me, I got quiet and I heard a voice say, “Make a quick right.” I heard that voice clearly saying make a quick right. I made a quick right and I landed between two men’s clothing stores and the car was like an accordion. I was puzzled and I go back home and the phone is ringing. I’m living in Washington and it’s my mother. I didn’t want to tell her that my car was in a major crackup. The first words out of her mouth were, “How’s your car?” I said, “What kind of question is that to ask? You didn’t ask how I am.” Outright, it’s, “How is your car?” She started crying and I didn’t mean to say that and so on. This was the beginning of my introduction to ESP. Some people say extrasensory perception. I say extended sense perception because I had the precognitive dream, which was a warning and a clear audience. I heard the, “Make a quick right,” and telepathy. There’s my mother, very innocently calling me because she picked up the accident.
A lot of people have dreams and don’t necessarily put much stead in them. With a dream that dramatic, it’s pretty hard to ignore. What do you think it is about dreams and their partnership with intuition? How does intuition help you understand what you’re dreaming? Many people dream a dream, but they can’t figure out what it means, myself included.
I did ignore that dream until three weeks later, I had another dream. This time, I was going down to a meeting at 16th Street in Northwest, Washington. I have a brand new car, I put my foot on the brake. This time it’s sound effects. I hear a ping. I guide the car over, there’s no parking and a policeman comes over. When I had that second dream, three days later the exact scenario happened. I have to say there was nothing in any of my books to prepare me for anything like this. I started having one dream after another that came true. I thought I was going crazy being a psychologist. That was the beginning of my trajectory. When I talk about the partnership and the relationship of intuition, helping us understand the wisdom, the dream has so much wisdom and we don’t want to just throw it away. If I look at intuition, it’s the deepest wisdom of the soul. We’re so filled with noise during the day that finally, that intuitive voice gets a chance to speak through a dream. It could give us a warning, guidance, and creative breakthroughs. Intuition and dreams speak the same metaphoric language because they communicate in pictures, symbols, and images.
[bctt tweet=”Intuition is the deepest wisdom of the soul.” username=”CarolynCRossMD”]I can understand that the dreams you mentioned were warnings. For example, I work with a lot of people with addictions. Often when they’re in recovery, they’ll have dreams of using which are very disturbing. They’ll be in the place where they normally take a drink or light the pipe or whatever. How do you interpret that dream?
For me, a dream is always a gift and it’s like going in and opening the gift. Maybe they will be tempted to take that drink again and here’s the dream giving them a warning, giving them a picture of that. That’s one possibility. Another possibility is that this is still in their consciousness. We know it’s addiction. It takes a long time to get that out of their system and out of their psyche. That’s a warning dream that it’s still a potential possibility. When I look at intuition, speaking through a dream and relating it to health because that’s the theme of the show, that intuition can speak with a dream. It could foreshadow a health challenge, it could illuminate the meaning in your life. It could diagnose, prescribe treatments, chart the course of your illness and even let you know when the recovery is complete.
I have somebody on the show coming up who’s going to be talking about that experience. She’s a woman who had a dream that she had cancer and she went to one of the foremost cancer centers in the country and they said, “No, there’s nothing there.” She persisted and eventually found out she did have cancer. When they told her, she was in remission. She had another dream that the cancer had come back and the same exact story happened again. A lot of people have been talking about 2012 as being the year of intuition or the beginning of a change in our culture where intuition will be more valued. Do you believe that too?
I haven’t heard anything about that.
There are a number of books that had been written about it. Let me ask you this then, does everyone have intuition and secondly, does everyone dream? A lot of my patients say, “I don’t dream or I don’t remember my dreams if I do.”

Intuition And Dreams: Intuition and dreams speak the same metaphoric language.
First of all, does everyone have intuition? Yes. For many people, it’s like the sleeping giant. They have it and they might call it a gut feeling, a premonition, the hunch, sixth sense, instinct. I’ve already said these words, but everyone has it. For most of the people, it’s submerged. It’s very quiet. One of the ways I get people is to talk about how you are wired for intuition. I too had a cancer dream that I can share. This is very relevant to this. The bottom line with intuition is for people to be aware and if they could identify their vocals or their speech patterns, did they say things like, “I hear what you’re saying, a little birdie told me. You’re not listening.” If they say that, their intuition comes to them from hearing. When their hearing is extended, they hear what’s being said beyond words.
The visual people will say, “I could read between the lines. I could picture that. Do you get the picture?” These are people that their vision is extended like x-ray vision or people who say, “I could put my finger on it, I could come to grips. I can wrap my fingers around it.” They’re very tactile. I call them the vibration and their intuition helps them get a feel. The smelly people will say, “This doesn’t smell right, it stinks,” and their intuition works through olfactory. Then the tasters will say, “I’ve got a real taste for this.” When they get hooked into how they are talking, they’re starting to find out how that particular sense is extended. Just a quick example, I never realized that everybody didn’t hear dictation when they wrote. I thought everybody did that. I didn’t know how strong my hearing sense was to hear dictation when I write. I will try to get my husband. I’ll say, “Jim, let’s sit down and talk about it.” He doesn’t listen. Those are my words, listening and talking. Finally I said, “Jim, let me paint you a picture.” He said, “I see what you mean.”
That is profound because most people think of intuition as some little voice that they’re going to hear or something that will hit them over the head with the news or the truth. You’re saying you can get it from any of the five senses.
In a workshop or meditation, the instructor would say, “Close your eyes and picture this.” Not everybody can close their eyes and see. People get it from different channels in different ways. They could feel it, they could hear it as I’m saying. This whole discovery of working, how intuition comes in and through was a revelation to me.
It’s a revelation to me too and I’ve done a lot of work in this area. That’s great information that you’ve shared with us. You’re going to tell us a little bit more about precognitive dreams and you’ve given us a couple of examples about the brakes going out in your car and so on. You also said that precognitive dreams can foreshadow health issues. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?
[bctt tweet=”Dreams have so much wisdom to just throw away.” username=”CarolynCRossMD”]Precognitive dreams could do anything, health, appointments. The challenge is most people tend to remember the negative, the disaster’s coming up, but they signify the sweet events as well. The psychic Edgar Cayce said, “Nothing of significance happens unless it’s first previewed in a dream.” Let me give my health dream here because for me it was alerting me to a potential crisis. In the dream, I dreamed that a doctor gave me a diagnosis of cancer. In my dream, I was astounded by the pronouncement and I called the doctor a quack and a phony for trying to make me believe I had this dreadful disease. I might say when I woke up, I was quite alarmed. I did what many women would do. You feel your breast around your body. I wrote the dream down and it was so vivid and so real that it did frighten me, but I put it aside. Weeks later, I had a little red lump at the end of my nose. I made an appointment with a skin doctor and this is a doctor that I didn’t know. As I lay on the table, I suddenly felt such a surge of pain from this deep incision and I looked up and I see this doctor sawing up my nose. I was absolutely appalled. All I did came for an opinion about the lump.
I’m a public speaker. It was so intrusive. He went on to explain that he needed to cut a piece out of my nose for a biopsy to see if I had skin cancer because he was already convinced that I did. He’s urging me to prepare myself for a series of cancer treatments. My head is spinning. He calls me a week later and he tells me, “Your results were benign, but you need to go through these treatments.” There’s a part of me towards rising that gets to this and say, how much is it going to cost?” It’s only $990 and suddenly, that whole dream scenario came to view and remember I called the doctor a quack and a phony. Because I had that dream, it encouraged me to say, “Thanks, but no thanks.” This doctor was indicted years later on fraud for doing the same thing to a lot of people. Weeks later, I did have a second opinion and it’s important. What had happened is this was a precognitive dream and it was an alert from my intuitive mind that this first doctor, his diagnosis was erroneous. It prepared me to act wisely and safely.
That’s a great example of how confusing it can be too. The fact that it did come true, that you had a doctor tells you had cancer, some people might be very afraid to go against that pronouncement. In your dream, you were led to contradict the doctor. My question is how do you know if a precognitive dream is literal or symbolic?
A part of me wants to say you don’t, but you do know when you start working with them. For me, a precognitive dream is usually very vivid and unforgettable. It seems to grab you by the shoulders, give you a good shake and demand to be remembered. I’ve learned that these dreams are distinct from my other dreams. I receive emails from people all over the world when they get these things with the free cognition. I received an email from a woman who dreamed about a gunman with blazing guns stalking people down a narrow hall. People were scattering in front of him in panic. The terror even affected her physically in the dream. Then days later she read about the Virginia Tech episode. This was years ago. This woman was writing to me from Nepal. She wasn’t even in the country and she picked up that dream. She was afraid to go to sleep that she would have more bad dreams.
“Precognitive dreams are very clear,” you said. Are there other signs that we can use to identify precognitive dreams?

Intuition And Dreams: Pre-cognitive dreams can foreshadow health issues.
I did a whole series of research on this way back because I was so startled and that so little was written about it. I took a group of my students and they had different indicators in their precognitions. Some had a shining light, some had an animal like a lion, some had a piece of cake. One woman was puzzled because Jane Seymour, the actress, came in her dream. When she said to me, “I don’t understand it,” I said, “She wants you to see more.” This is the funny nature of dreams. For me, I’ve noticed that either a psychic friend will be in the dream giving me some information, but I go to the clarity of the dream. I might add quickly, I always described the precognitive dream like, “They’re very lucid” and guess what happened? Along came the field of lucid dreaming and that confuses the issue. People thought I was talking about the field of lucid dreaming, where you dream and you know you’re dreaming and you go and change the dream. That is a precognition. A big part of it is the clarity. It’s so important to talk about these dreams because I gave that quote that nothing of significance happens unless it is first previewed in a dream. A lot of my dreams were literal but some of them are symbolic.
You agreed to analyze my very clear and disturbing dream that I had. I’m going to quickly give it to you. In the dream, I was having difficulty breathing. My breath felt stilted and mechanical and someone said to me, “It’s number three breathing.” That seemed to be okay with me. I woke to find myself in a large hacienda area, like a ranch. I knew my way around it was very familiar. At some point, three large black Dobermans got onto the property and became very aggressive. One of the elderly people there who evidently was known for his ability to manage dogs got the lead dog and he tried to calm the dog down. I tried to disagree with him. I said, “I don’t think you should try to hold that dog back. You shouldn’t try to control it.” The dogs became more aggressive, they were snarling and biting and then this elderly gentleman told us to go into the house. My granddaughter appeared and I tried to bring her to safety but the house wasn’t completely safe. There were lots of openings, some walls were open and eventually, we came out on a porch. The dog expert then almost was able to get the dogs back under control and move them into the house with our help. This time the house was secure, but I had difficulty breathing and woke up very frightened. Is that a crazy dream or what?
It’s a wonderful dream. Even nightmares are gifts because they dramatize and they present something to us that we are overlooking through the noise of the day, through every day where something got submerged. I work intuitively with a dream. To me, I go right to the bottom line and it speaks to me. I come up with what issue in your life is dogging you and taking your breath away? There’s some issue that is stalking you. When I say, “Dogging you,” that’s like stalking you. They’re taking your breath away. You may not want to say this on air but if we were working privately, I try to get you to look at there’s some issue from the subconscious underneath it all trying to come up and get your attention.
Is there any significance to the number three which seemed to be very strong in the dream or to the dogs themselves? You said the dogs could be a metaphor but the color of the dogs, because for some reason that was a very firm thing, that they were dark in color.
I took the dog to means that it’s dogging you, they’re stalking you. I noticed three and I noticed black. Black is the absence of life. It’s the absence of color. This is true for me. I didn’t say what I need to say. I follow the canon of dream interpretation and I say, “If this were my dream, this is what it would mean to me.” If I had all those dogs in my dream, I would look at the issue that’s dogging me. Black, I would say is getting me depressed. It’s taking the life out of me.
[bctt tweet=”A dream can grab you by the shoulders and give you a good shake to what’s happening in your life.” username=”CarolynCRossMD”]What about the number three?
Three is a social number, getting out there, but this is in my world. The number three, a social number, putting yourself out there. Am I nervous about getting my word out there? Am I nervous about getting what I’m thinking out there?
I hope that the process that you demonstrated with using how you analyze the dream was helpful, but certainly, it was very pertinent to me. I wanted to thank you for doing that analysis of my dream. You talk on your website and in your books about the intuitive technique that you use to unravel the symbolism of a dream, which you call amplification. Can you say a little bit more about that? That’s what you did with me.
When I was on the radio show, the Dream Decoders, all of the dreams that we heard were what we call blind dreams. We never saw them before. When you got to do it quickly, I like to go right to the bottom line. I’m not saying that my intuitive method is the only method or the best method, but it’s something I encourage people to know. First, I would like to talk about the two techniques that I use and then we could talk about how I put this into my whole intuitive technique called the Dream Shift Technique. Amplification originally came from the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung. You start with the central image and you keep adding, connecting thoughts as they come to you. Each time this thought comes and pops in your head, you just write it down and you repeat this until there are no more connections and the a-ha occurs. Here’s a real-life example. This is not a dream, but it’s like the same thing. One of my students was considering the feasibility of bringing a fourth child into her life. When she got a symbol of a sun coming up over the horizon, she didn’t understand what that meant. That could have come in a dream, but it came to her intuitively. We begin to amplify and associate. She comes up with words like bright, warm, heat, future. I immediately saw the son. That a son was on the horizon. I clearly knew that the intuitive mind with substituting son for the sun. Sure enough, nine months later, Alex Steven was born. That’s using intuition.
A gal was sitting across from her boss and she didn’t know whether she could present a certain piece of information to him. As she’s sitting across from him, the image of a bear comes up. She sees and writes bear down and we begin to associate to bear. They’re ferocious, their huge and furry, scavenging, honey. Suddenly she comes up with the words cuddly and huggable. That was her a-ha. The a-ha was she realized she could approach her boss with this new idea. That was seeing him as a bear. The idea in the amplification is you’re going in and you’re associating. There’s another technique I use and it’s called word association. This was introduced by Sigmund Freud to understand the hidden meaning of dreams. You’re unraveling the dream symbol and this is more of a linear process. Suppose I had a tree in full bloom come up and I don’t know what that means. I say, “In my dream, there was this tree that was in full bloom.” That could be extensive. Extensive means great, great means magnanimous, magnanimous means prosperous, it was a dream about prosperity so I hold onto that.

Intuition And Dreams: Black is the absence of life. It’s the absence of color.
Those are the two techniques that people can use to figure out their dreams on their own then.
I attach this technique into my whole technique which is called the Dream Shift Method. It’s called the Dream Shift because we’re shifting from the logical mind to the intuitive mind. Another key of the work that I do is to unravel a major symbol or two. Let’s for a moment go back to your dream. That was so symbolic. There were so many things going on in there, but the symbol that came forth to me was the dog. That was primary, then there was the black, there was the three and other things. Here’s a dream, a brief example. This woman, Ross, was questioning her wavering friendship with Nellie and she had this dream. In the dream, she said, “I was in a social setting and Nellie was being strong and intimidating. She pulled out a gun and shot someone. Then she pointed the gun at me. She was going to shoot me. Then Nellie said she’ll decide whether to spare me. I wasn’t completely afraid. Then another woman came along and held a gun over Nellie.” As I go through, I’m going to give you the steps to my dream shift process. The first thing is to title the dream in eight words or less. I’m working with the person as we’re doing this and we come up with a title gun control. Then the second step is to become centered and receptive and you use any centering, breathing relaxation techniques. You want to move your energy away from all that’s going on in the environment to the peaceful confines of your inner mind. Ross got very quiet, listened to her wind chimes and she affirmed. “My intuitive mind will help me understand the dream.” Notice the quieting.
The third step is identify the major symbols. I choose a maximum of three and I let the major symbol come forward. Since you heard me talk about intuition, you could see this visually. The visual will come forward. You could hear the words I usually hear, you could get I feel, you could just know. In this situation, the major symbol was the gun. She begins to amplify here the gun. She comes up with words like hunting, power, protection, fire and weapon. The intuitive hit comes when she suddenly said, “Calling the shots.” That resonated to her. While that’s incubating and resonating, we’d go to this next step which is doing something artistically through arts, dance, music, drama because you’re inviting the dream to speak to you in its own language. What she did is she moved her body to drum music. Then the last step is to implement the dream discovery using the logical mind. Focusing on that pivotal symbol, that gun, Ross saw how controlling Nellie was in the relationship because she was always calling the shot. Ross was so uncomfortable with this one-sided relationship that she plans to talk to Nellie about creating more give and take in their relationship. You hear something with a gun, you dream about your partner shooting you with a gun. I’ve had other gun dreams and I’ve heard lots of gun dreams and when we unravel that puzzling symbolism, it’s amazing.
A gun isn’t always a killing instrument. It can be metaphorically as in this dream an example of someone calling the shots.
When I lived in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I had a nemesis, a man who was also a psychologist like myself and he was a magician on the side. He was so uncomfortable with me and what I was doing in intuition. I had a dream that I shot him and when I woke up in the morning, I was so alarmed because no matter how annoyed I was or upset with someone, I would never take a gun and shoot them. I went to my amplification and a gun was this and that and so on. Then a gun puts an end. I suddenly knew I was going to put an end to this situation and he never bothered me after that.
[bctt tweet=”A lot of migraines are literal but some of them may be symbolic.” username=”CarolynCRossMD”]Did you do something or just in your consciousness?
In my consciousness, I said, “I am ending this situation.” All I had to do was shift that energy around. I didn’t have the dream because I was horrified. I would never do something like that.
Before we forget, let’s tell people when your radio show is on Voice America, The Partnership of Intuition and Dreams.
It’s Thursdays at 5:00 PM Pacific Time, 8:00 PM Eastern Time. I’m on the 7th Wave channel.

Powerhunch!: Living An Intuitive Life
Marcia, I wanted to ask the question for those people who don’t feel that they have intuition. Do they need that to be able to interpret their dreams?
To me, yes, because you want to go to a place where your consciousness is expanding, where you’re away from the logic. I have seen people take dream analysis and go to every single symbol and they say it all represents you. That’s fine if it works for them, but to me, it’s to expand your consciousness, get in a place where you are being non-rational, non-logical, or where you’re not attached to what it might mean. Play with the amplification, freely begin associating. One night I had a dream and again pointing a gun at me. I woke up and I was frightened. Somebody pointed a gun. Until I stepped out of the logical mind, I realized a contract was being held up. In the morning, I shook my husband frantically and I said, “Jim, I dreamt were having twins.” He said, “Go back to sleep, that’s only the books you’re writing.” We have to be able to expand our mind and our consciousness beyond the logic, beyond the rational.”
Do you think those dream symbol books are helpful or not? That they have the symbolic meaning of certain things in dreams?
To a point, they could give you a hint but you have to realize and I always say this, “That dream symbol is custom designed for you.” For example, suppose you dreamt of a cat. A cat could mean so many different things. A cat could be a predator, it could be an animal, it could be a favorite pet, it could be independent, mysterious, aloof and all of these things. When I dream of a cat, it means a writing project. Usually, a book that’s coming up.
What’s the symbol mean for you of a cat that correlates with the book? What is that symbolism? What do you say a cat means that makes you think about writing books?
I love my cats and I love my books. I would never find that in a dream dictionary.
[bctt tweet=”Even nightmares can be wonderful dreams.” username=”CarolynCRossMD”]I looked up dogs and the number three and all that in some dream dictionaries and it didn’t help me. Your point is well taken there. Before we end, I want to talk about some of the dreams that most of us have had. Another one I had recently was a dream of standing on the edge of a cliff and knowing that I could fly but not being able to get off and to jump off and fly. A lot of people have dreams of flying or falling. Do those have particular meanings or are they very individual?
They’re universal. Carl Jung called them archetypal. For me, generally, a flying dream is you’re rising above the situation. You want to see a bigger view or a bigger picture when you’re flying. You’re getting a different view, a more comprehensive view. The falling dream is when you’re afraid that you’re going to fall down, fail, or not live up to expectations. That’s the essence of the falling dreams. That you’re disappointing yourself or other people, you’re falling down.
Are there any other archetypal dreams besides flying and falling?
How about showing up to work naked?
The naked dream, that’s common. Tell us about that.
On my website, www.DrMarciaEmery.com, people could see pictures of this. I’m also a dream expert for America Now. There are these wonderful little segments about people showing up to work naked and what does that mean, revealing themselves. Losing your teeth, you’re afraid of speaking out about something. There were mother dreams, there were father dreams, whether we’re a mother or a father. Having a baby dream. What are you giving birth to in your life?
I don’t want to have any other babies. That may be a little literal. I’d have to take the metaphorical attack on that one. I’m past that but I’m birthing a lot of books and other stuff so that could fit. Before we end the show, Marcia, this has been a great show. Are there any words of wisdom about dreams? One of the things you recommend on your website is that people start keeping a dream journal.
That’s so important because you want to honor the wisdom in your dream. You don’t want to think of them as silly or frivolous. I get these comments all the time and when we get into them people say, “That’s so enlightening. I never thought of that.” To honor your dream is to keep a journal, keep it by your bed. We all hate to get up when we have that dream, but even if you have a piece of paper there to make some notations so in the morning that dream will be there. For people who say, “I don’t dream,” tell yourself several times throughout the day, “Tonight, I will remember my dream.”
I’d like to thank Dr. Marcia Emery and especially thank you for tuning in. On the next episode, my guest will be Amir Zoghi talking about intuition.
Important Links:
- Dr. Marcia Emery
- PowerHunch
- The Intuitive Healer
- Dr. Marcia Emery’s Intuitive Workbook
- The Partnership of Intuition and Dreams
- Amir Zoghi
About Dr. Marcia Emery PhD
Marcia Emery, Ph.D. is one of the country’s foremost authorities on the power of intuition to change our lives. Her passion is to help people transform life’s problems, struggles, and even tragedy into triumph in order to live fully and radiantly.
Professor Emery, a pioneer in the field of applied intuition, is a psychologist, consultant, professor, and author whose expertise has been brought to bear in both private clinical practice and in her client-tailored Intuition Seminars — reaching thousands of men and women nationally. Among Dr. Emery’s clients were such corporate giants as ATT, Amway Corporation, Blue Care Network, and Hewlett Packard, as well as nonprofits, including The Junior League, Metropolitan Hospital, Wainwright House and Unity Church.
Teaching across diverse sectors — clinical, academic, corporate, and institutional — has afforded Dr. Emery rare insights into intuition’s extraordinary manifestations in every aspect of life. Thus her mission is to bring the means and methodologies for harnessing this power to as many people as possible. In 1984, at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Dr. Emery pioneered the first-of-its-kind college course in “whole brain thinking” — targeting Master of Management candidates from leading international corporations, government, and small business — thereby launching the first wave of decision-makers formally trained in intuition technology. She is a Professor in the certification program at the Springfield, Missouri-based Scientific Medical Intuition degree program co-founded by Doctors Caroline Myss and Norman Shealy. She also teaches at Energy Medicine University based in Sausalito, CA
She is the author of Dr. Marcia Emery’s Intuition Workbook: An Expert’s Guide To Unlocking the Wisdom of Your Subconscious Mind which was deemed “a classic in the field” and selected by three book clubs. The Intuitive Healer: Accessing Your Inner Physician,; and her third book, POWERHUNCH!, boasts a foreword by noted futurist Leeland Kaiser. Audiotape series include: Intuition: How To Use Your Gut Instinct for Greater Personal Power; Intuition; The Intuitive Healer, and an earlier series, Infinity, covering intuitive problem solving and dream interpretation.
Dr. Emery’s work has twice garnered grants from Minnesota-based Life Science Foundation — in 1998, to establish a worldwide network of local intuition study groups under the name INREACHING and in 1991 to facilitate research on the use of intuition among leading business executives.
She has served as a board member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and appeared as an expert on the Dream Decoders TV series.
She was the dream expert on America Now — a weekly one-hour television news magazine viewed on CBS, NBC, ABC, or Fox.
Dr. Emery hosted the Voice America internet radio show, The Partnership of Intuition and Dreams which aired on Thursdays, 5 pm PT. For each show, Dr. Emery interviewed prominent experts in the field of dreams or intuition.