Research has shown several factors that make it more likely for your child to become overweight or obese:
- Mother or father are overweight
- Mother was overweight before she became pregnant
- Parents who smoke or being exposed to others who smoke
- Mother smoked during pregnancy
- The child was overweight before age 3
Obesity is a family disease. Genetic factors as well as early childhood factors make it more or less likely that a child will become overweight or obese.
As always, the focus should be on the family. What can your family do to improve your child’s chances of being a healthy weight? Always practice what you preach.
- Eating more fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid processed food.
- Cook together as a family.
- Provide your children with a wide variety of food options
- Use sweets as infrequent treats, substitute other sweet foods, like fruits for daily rewards
- Educate yourself and your children about healthy eating