Quarantine Resilience – Growing through our pain

Quarantine Resilience – Growing through our pain

When we began talking about the quarantine it was 8 months ago and I’m sure you, like me had no idea that it would last this long. Because it has lasted so long, I am hearing from people all over the world and also reading the research showing that there are...
Food and Money:  Interview with Francine Rogers

Food and Money: Interview with Francine Rogers

You may not be aware that if you have binge eating, food addiction or emotional eating, your relationship with food may be a mirror for your relationship with money. If you binge with food, you may also be a binge shopper or spender. My guest, Francine Rogers, says...
Fullness: An Interview with author Azure Moyna

Fullness: An Interview with author Azure Moyna

Azure Moyna has written a memoir about her journey to healing from an eating disorder and how her childhood trauma and family dysfunction contributed to the development of her food and body image issues. You will learn: 1. How and why family dysfunction can lead to an...
Midlife Eating Disorders

Midlife Eating Disorders

Midlife eating disorders are increasingly common in women. Some midlife women experience binge eating, compulsive overeating, food addiction or emotional eating. Others may develop anorexia or bulimia. Midlife eating disorders may lead to unhealthy dieting as a way to...
Depression and Binge Eating Disorder

Depression and Binge Eating Disorder

In some studies the association is between 84% and 100% of those with these eating disorders also having depression and anxiety. Binging, food obsessions and body image issues can trigger or exacerbate depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety can also lead to...