
Blog Carolyn Ross MD Mental health in the workplace mental health keynote speaker

Combating the Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace

  Lately, the lines between home and work have become increasingly blurred. With many organizations offering flexible hours and remote work, employees have the opportunity to discover true harmony between their personal and professional lives....
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Blog DEI efforts DEI in the workplace self-sabotage stress Trauma-informed leadership

Escaping the Confines of Self-Sabotaging Thoughts

It is disturbingly common for individuals to let self-sabotaging thoughts run rampant while still being fully aware that they will inevitably lead to deeply harmful and incredibly hard-to-break self-sabotaging habits. Sadly, good intentions are rarely...
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Blog DEI efforts DEI in the workplace Trauma-informed leadership

Impactful Leadership Begins with a Trauma-Informed Workplace

Adverse experiences, especially those that occur during childhood, eventually become woven into the very fabric of our being. Enduring traumatic situations ultimately affects one's perspective, thoughts, emotions and interactions. We take our trauma with us....
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Blog DEI in the workplace Tokenism

Breaking Tokenism Barriers with Sustainable DEI Efforts

Tokenism is a band-aid attempting to conceal a vast, gaping wound. It’s a start, but if we truly want to heal what is ailing society today, it will take more than slapping on a symbolic...
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Carolyn Ross MD

How does exposure to sexual content too early affect our children?

Check out my latest blog on Psychology today:
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Carolyn Ross MD

Postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopausal Health and Individualized Hormone Therapy Health care providers often prescribe hormones for symptoms accompanying menopause, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, compromised cognition, sexual problems, and fatigue. Today, choosing the optimal hormone therapy...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Do stress and obesity go hand-in-hand?

When we start feeling stressed, many of us will turn to food to calm our nerves. And the food we reach for is normally the type of food we refer to as “comfort food”, which...
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Anorexia Bulimia Compulsive Overeating obesity stress Weight

Healthy Summer Foods: 10 Foods That Should Be on Every Summer Grocery List

Eating at least eight three-ounce servings of fruits and vegetables a day can significantly lower your risk of heart disease, according to researchers. In fact, researchers found that each one-serving portion of fruits and vegetables...
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Anorexia Bulimia Compulsive Overeating Depression obesity stress Weight

Hold the nuts

If you read food labels, you may notice this allergy warning or something similar: “this product was produced in a factory that also processes nuts, soybeans, etc.” The prevalence of food allergies has grown rapidly...
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Anorexia Bulimia Carolyn Ross MD Compulsive Overeating Depression obesity stress Weight

Ever heard of Leaky Gut Syndrome?

You may have heard of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but what do you know about Leaky Gut Syndrome? Leaky Gut Syndrome is a common health disorder in which the intestinal tract is more permeable or...
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Anorexia Bulimia Carolyn Ross MD Compulsive Overeating obesity stress Weight

Shifting the focus off the number on the scale, keeping your eye on the prize

The saturation of weight loss programs and diets in our society has reached unprecedented proportions.  In the US, the private weight loss industry is a $58.6 billion a year industry. You can hardly turn on...
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Carolyn Ross MD

5 Foods to Watch in 2011

5 Foods To Watch This Year In my last post, I discussed 10 Healing Foods for 2011. Just as there are foods you should incorporate in your diet, there are foods that should be eaten...
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Carolyn Ross MD

10 healing foods for the 2011

Did you make the resolution to eat healthier this year? By the third week of January, most people have broken their resolutions. To help you keep your commitment to become a healthier you in 2011,...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Mom knows best

Parents can be and often are the greatest teachers and role models for nutrition for their own children. When it comes to healthy eating, parents should not take the attitude of “do as I say...
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Carolyn Ross MD

“Is Junk Food Addictive?”

As a board certified Addiction Medicine specialist I was compelled to respond to this question. I work with many individuals who are greatly impacted by all types of addictions. Most think of addiction in terms...
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Carolyn Ross MD

How many pounds is a pound cake worth to you?

During this festive season of partying and gathering, many people throw their healthy eating plans right out the window. After all, what difference will one more piece of pie really make? When making your holiday...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Vitamin D in Winter

Vitamin D in the Winter I have mentioned over the years the importance of having a variety of vitamins and minerals as a part of one’s daily diet regimen. One vitamin we don’t get enough...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Even 3 year olds are fat phobic

As Early as 3? At what age does the notion of body image begin to impact us? I recently read a very disturbing article regarding children as young as 3 years old wanting to be...
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Carolyn Ross MD Compulsive Overeating Depression obesity stress Weight

how dirty is your back

love messages to get boyfriend back and how to get ex girlfriend back fast text or what does it mean when your ex girlfriend texts you back. getting back together with your ex boyfriend how...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Family therapy much better than individual for young anorexics

When I first started working with patients with eating disorders, I was struck by how their family situations often triggered or facilitated in some way the development of their eating disorder.  Much of current treatment...
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