
Carolyn Ross MD

The Meaning of Weight

The Meaning of Weight You can’t walk by a magazine stand or watch any television without the subject of weight loss being brought up.  There is a multi-billion dollar industry in over-the-counter or “natural remedies”...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Children struggling-0besity, ADHD, Depression

I am getting more and more questions about children who are struggling with their weight, their moods or with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  Children are being put on very strong medications that have not been...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Empowering health information

EmpowHer, the home of women’s health online, is a unique resource dedicated to improving women’s health and well-being. I was recently interviewed on the subjects: eating disorders, addictions, obesity.  See videos of these interviews at:...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Can stress make you gain weight?

Did you know that stress can promote weight gain by: If stress affects your sleep causing insomnia or unrefreshed sleep this can promote release of cortisol, the stress hormone which causes insulin resistance and weight...
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Carolyn Ross MD

New book takes over my life

My new book, The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook is threatening to take over my life.  I've been out promoting the book and feeling very proud of my accomplishment of spending 2 years with...
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Carolyn Ross MD

How do you stay true to who you are?

There are so many opportunities in modern culture to fool yourself and others.  You can date on the internet so you can lie about your age and how you look - at least for awhile....
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Anorexia Bulimia Compulsive Overeating Depression obesity

Life just gets more and more curious.

How did we end up as a nation where over half of our citizens are losing the battle of the bulge?  I’ve talked about genetics already.  But our genes haven’t changed in the last 50...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Tell me what you really like about chocolate?

  I’ve had many patients tell me that they are overweight/obese because they “love to eat.”  When I ask them which foods they love most, they usually have a quick answer – Italian food, Mexican...
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Carolyn Ross MD

What would the world be like if everyone was a size 0?

When I was a kid, I was skinny!  As I became a young adult, I was still skinny.  Over time, I plumped up quite nicely.  But you know what’s funny?  I didn’t even realize how...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Come Home to Your Body

UPCOMING RETREAT: Save the Date October 16-19, 2009  The Awakened Body Journey is a women's retreat scheduled for October 16-19, 2009 in the setting of the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains outside of Denver, Colorado....
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Carolyn Ross MD

Feeling Stuck with your Weight?

Are you a chronic relapser or yo-yo dieter?  Do you often reach your goal weight or get close only to find yourself throwing all your hard work away for a binge or because you just...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Taking Steps in the Right Direction

How do you do that?  Use the Step Method.  (more…)
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Carolyn Ross MD

I’m craving – what about that?

Fact # 5 is that cravings of any kind indicate an imbalance in your diet.  Yes.  I really know what I'm talking about here.  So, if your are craving so much you can't follow the...
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Blog Carolyn Ross MD

When I eat more, I get fat!

In Fact #3, I told you to eat more to lose weight.  I also told you that what you eat is as important as how much you eat.  So, start with the basics: (more…)
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Blog Carolyn Ross MD

You have to eat more to lose weight!!! What ???

Well, yes, this is true.  If you've been dieting most of your life you may have the following issues: you may be zinc deficient which can lower your appetite you may have learned not to...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Anyone heard of the Biggest Loser??

So far, I've talked about Fact #1 - obesity is genetic and Fact #2 - exercise of 300 minutes per week is key to treating obesity.  I'm sure most of you know the TV show...
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Anorexia Bulimia Carolyn Ross MD Compulsive Overeating obesity

Obesity Facts and Approaches

If you read the previous blog, you will know that the predisposition to obesity is overwhelmingly genetic.  What does this mean to you?  Well, if you come from a family of overweight individuals, it will...
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Bulimia Compulsive Overeating Depression

Nutrition and Health

I just recently attended and was a speaker at the 6th Annual Nutrition and Health Conference put on by the University of Arizona (  The conference was held in Chicago and May 11th was declared...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Andrew Weil goes to Washington

My mentor, Andy Weil this past week testified before the US Senate about Integrative Medicine and the future of healthcare.. See the link:
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