
Carolyn Ross MD

What does spirituality have to do with eating disorders?

I used to believe that we must choose between science and reason on one hand, and spirituality on the other, in how we lead our lives.  Now I consider this a false choice.  We can...
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Anorexia Bulimia Carolyn Ross MD Compulsive Overeating Depression obesity Products & News stress Weight

Taking care of home

The recent crisis in the Gulf brought to mind, as I'm sure it has for many, how we take care of our home.  The earth, our terrestrial home is under siege and it is heartbreaking...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Can what you eat protect you from depression?

A study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry (Nov, 2009) studied middle aged people and their diets.  Their conclusion was:  "In middle-aged participants, a processed food dietary pattern is a risk factor for depression...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Getting really serious about healthy eating

I don't usually share much about my personal eating plan.  Just like many of you, after menopause,  I struggled with my own weight.  Of more concern t me was my elevated cholesterol and family history...
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Carolyn Ross MD

How can mother’s help daughters with body image?

As a physician specializing in eating disorders, I see many young women who first learned to dislike their bodies or learned to diet from women in their families, including their mothers.  When I speak with...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Historic day for those suffering with Binge Eating Disorder

Why is this so important?  The National Institutes of Mental Health estimates that 3.5% of women and 2% of men have BED.  Binge eating disorder is more prevalent than anorexia or bulimia.  Sixty percent of...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Are you ready?

In my consultations with individuals who are trying to lose weight, I often ask them, "why now?"  Many people are motivated to lose weight because of health problems that are affecting their quality of life. ...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Just say NO to diet resolutions. Make New Year’s goals come true!!

Every year at this time, many people choose to make resolutions to lose weight, go on a diet, start an exercise program, get in better shape, etc.  Most of these resolutions fail.  Perhaps you're one...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Posting Calories in NYC – Help or Not?

A recent article in the Opinion section of the  New York TImes discussed the results from multiple studies about whether the mandatory posting of calories which is in effect in NYC has helped people to...
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Carolyn Ross MD

The family dinner table

What were your experiences growing up around meal times?  A new study published in Science Direct by Annette S. Kluck from Texas Tech University found that family dysfunction and negative family food-related experiences increased risk...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Alternative Medicine is Mainstream

Below is a link to a very interesting article that talks about how our genetic makeup is not fixed in stone and that alternative therapies have the ability to change our risks for health issues....
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Carolyn Ross MD

Scarcity and abundance

I've been reading lately about the energy of money and how we live in either scarcity or feelings of abundance.  I don't think this energy phenomenon applies only to money.  I think of my own...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Alcoholism and Women

Alcoholism is not an uncommon co-occuring disorder in those with eating disorders including binge eating disorder and compulsive overeating.  About one-third of women with an eating disorder will also have alcohol problems.  Up to 25%...
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Carolyn Ross MD

The Meaning of Weight

The Meaning of Weight You can’t walk by a magazine stand or watch any television without the subject of weight loss being brought up.  There is a multi-billion dollar industry in over-the-counter or “natural remedies”...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Children struggling-0besity, ADHD, Depression

I am getting more and more questions about children who are struggling with their weight, their moods or with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  Children are being put on very strong medications that have not been...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Empowering health information

EmpowHer, the home of women’s health online, is a unique resource dedicated to improving women’s health and well-being. I was recently interviewed on the subjects: eating disorders, addictions, obesity.  See videos of these interviews at:...
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Carolyn Ross MD

Can stress make you gain weight?

Did you know that stress can promote weight gain by: If stress affects your sleep causing insomnia or unrefreshed sleep this can promote release of cortisol, the stress hormone which causes insulin resistance and weight...
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Carolyn Ross MD

New book takes over my life

My new book, The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook is threatening to take over my life.  I've been out promoting the book and feeling very proud of my accomplishment of spending 2 years with...
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Carolyn Ross MD

How do you stay true to who you are?

There are so many opportunities in modern culture to fool yourself and others.  You can date on the internet so you can lie about your age and how you look - at least for awhile....
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Anorexia Bulimia Compulsive Overeating Depression obesity

Life just gets more and more curious.

How did we end up as a nation where over half of our citizens are losing the battle of the bulge?  I’ve talked about genetics already.  But our genes haven’t changed in the last 50...
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